Works areas, in preliminary order of drilling:
1. Fairway between Eastgate and Hawthorne
2. Eastgate between Fairway and East Loch Alpine
3. Eastgate between Fairway and Canterbury
4. Sunderland between Fairway and Eastgate
5. Hawthorne between Fairway and East Loch Alpine
6. Canterbury from Eastgate to End
7. Westgate
8. Morrow Ct
9. Rondo through West Loch Alpine to Bridgeway
10. West Loch Alpine from Rondo north
11. West Loch Alpine from Sunset south
12. Greenway Ct
13. Climbing Way from Sunset south
14. Climbing Way from Bridgeway north
The arrows on the map below show the locations and direction the bores will be drilled. The pipe will be pulled in opposite direction of the arrows. A schedule of drilling dates will be announced soon.