Board Journal
It's Time for the Holiday Plant Sale!
Posted on Oct 6th, 2019

The Loch Alpine Garden Club’s Holiday Plant Sale is coming in November!  The Garden Club raises funds, through this annual poinsettia and holiday greenery sale, to purchase plants and materials for the pollinator garden located in Loch Alpine’s park.  The garden is meant to be a place of beauty for the community and a source of nourishment for all types of pollinators. Please visit the garden at your leisure anytime from spring through fall.  It is located just down the hill from the soccer/baseball field, along the west side of the upper lake.  A walking path along the lake leads to the garden area and a comfortable bench provides a nice resting place. Please see the flier for details of the upcoming sale. 
The order deadline is Friday, November 15th.  Poinsettia and greenery items will be available for pick up on Wednesday, December 4th.
The order form can be found here.