Board Journal
Board Bulletin April 23
Posted on May 3rd, 2023

GFL Contact Update
There has been an update to the contact info for GFL; Mark Robinson, the former route manager/contact has left GFL.  Please contact all four managers with any service concerns/complaints.
   Sam Caramagno: (Operations Mgr.)
   Mary Dean: (Customer Service Mgr.)
   Bob Brandon: (Route Mgr.)
   Ron Caramagno: (General Mgr.)
Upcoming Lake Treatment Schedule
The following dates are tentative, watch for notices posted on nearby mailbox stands:
   May 24, June 12 & 27, July 18, and August 16
Minimum 24-hours no swimming in the lakes -- people and pets. Keep your pets from drinking the lake water for 14 days following treatment. Please also refer to the notices posted around the lakes and on many mail-posts for important details. Treatment details can be found on our website.
The Spring Fling was a great success!
Many families joined Loch Alpine Social in the Park on April 15 for an egg-hunt, games, and crafts. Thank you to everyone who came out, and to all the volunteers: Social Committee Members Katie, Cat, Amy B. Amy C., Stephanie, Dyanna and Heather, and some of the husbands Paul, Colby, Seder, Tim and John!
Calling All Grads!
Do you know a graduating Senior? We'd love to hear about them. A brief bio including a photo, some of their achievements and plans for the fall would be great! Please send these to Katie at by May 19.
Looking for New Content
Loch Alpine Communications would like to invite you to help us generate new content for our e-newsletters. If you or your family have anything you'd like to share with the community please click here to submit it. We're looking for achievements, big news, neighborhood trivia, services offered or needed; like dog walker or babysitter, and really anything in between!