Road Work in Loch Alpine This Week
Posted on Jun 19th, 2017
We regret this last-minute notification from the contractor. The following roads in Loch Alpine will be chip sealed on Monday and Tuesday, June 19 and 20:
• Northgate
• Climbing Way
• St Andrews
• Holly Way
• Canterbury
• Dawson East
According to the contractor the roads can be driven on once the stone chips are put down. Car traffic actually pushes the chips down into the base material to set up a hard surface. This work will be done today and tomorrow, weather permitting. The slurry sealing will occur approximately two to three weeks after the chips are laid. More information on the slurry sealing will be available soon.
Here’s what you need to know about chip sealing on Monday and Tuesday:
• Our contractor, Highway Maintenance, will apply a layer of chips to the roads mentioned above.
• This work may start as early as 7 a.m. and should be finished by afternoon.
• No vehicles should be parked on any of these roads on Monday or Tuesday.
• Residents can drive on the chip-sealed surface as soon as it is put down.
If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact Brian McCall by email at or by phone at 426-4546.