Board Bulletin August 4
Posted on Aug 10th, 2022
The next meeting of the LAIA Board of Directors will be Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 6:30 pm online via Zoom conferencing. Residents who are interested in attending the meeting should request the Zoom access link from the Board, email
No Motorized Vehicles on Paths and Parks
A reminder for the safety of residents and guests: golf carts, ATVs, motorbikes and other motorized vehicles are not allowed in Loch Alpine parks or on the pathways in the parks and around the lakes. The Board also asks, for safety reasons, that there should be no ATVs or motorbikes on the former golf course, which is private property.
A New Sandbox!
Thanks to Grounds Committee member John Posch and the excellent assistance of Tom Bellisario, the Loch Alpine play area now has a larger sandbox. The Loch Alpine community is made better and even more beautiful by all of our many volunteers!
Lakes Committee member Cindy Walton conducted E.coli bacteria testing in both Loch Alpine lakes on June 23. The readings showed a level of 96 E.coli/100ml in the upper lake, 6/100ml in the lower lake. The safety standard is 100/100 ml in any one testing. Another test will be conducted this month.
If you park your car in your driveway, please remove valuables and lock the car doors. While Loch Alpine is a very safe neighborhood, there have been a few instances in the past of late-night larceny from unlocked vehicles in driveways.
The Board was recently informed by Scio Township that rental of rooms in a single-family home, short term, for profit is a violation of the Scio Township’s Zoning Ordinance’s definition of a family. Short-term rentals of residential properties for Airbnb, VRBO, bed & breakfast, and other vacation or hospitality operations are not permitted. The Board has inquired to Webster Township of any similar ordinance, but we have not received an answer.
Construction on another B2B Trail segment is officially underway! A groundbreaking ceremony was held on July 14 at Delhi Metropark for the much-anticipated second phase of the Zeeb Road to Delhi project. Read more on the
B2B Trail News page.