Roads Committee Notes |
Roads Committee Documents |
New Roads Committee Chair
Brian McCall was appointed Roads Committee Chair at the September Board of Directors meeting. The Board extends special thanks to Harry Rolfes for his repeat tour of duty as chair of the committee. Harry continues to serve as a committee member along with Rick Haden and Bob Sendra.
Roads Committee Report - September 9, 2016
In the table below are listed the roads that were re-surfaced this summer. In 2016 Highway Maintenance used a chip material known as slag aggregate, laid down in a single-layer v. the double-layer applications we’ve been doing in the past. HM advised the Committee that slag aggregate costs less than limestone aggregate, and that a single-layer would still protect against the normal load levels on our roads, that there would be less wasted material to clean up, and that we would see an improved uniform evenness of the slurry cap seal. After applying the crack filler, slag aggregate and slurry seal, there were a number of manhole and water valve box covers to clear of slurry/chips that LASA identified and marked, which HM took care of within an acceptable period of time.
Shortly following HM’s work, our striping contractor, PK Contracting, painted a center of the road 4” double yellow stripe on ELAD and SLAD, along with a perimeter 4” white stripe on Greenook. They also painted two speed humps on ELAD between Eastgate and Bridgeway. PK came back earlier this week to re-apply paint on 100 ft of the double yellow stripe on ELAD that had faded after the initial application. Their work is now complete.
In general, the Committee is satisfied with the results.
The Loch Alpine Roads 7-Year Plan Resurface and Repair Schedule is attached for review. According to the plan, the roads to be re-surfaced in 2017 are Northgate, Climbing Way, Holly Way, Canterbury, and Dawson East. The estimated costs found in the schedule will need to be updated based on the lower costs associated with applying the single-layer of slag aggregate described above.
Please advise if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Harry Rolfes
4690 Whitman Circle
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Loch Alpine Roads - 7 Year Plan Resurface and Repair Schedule 10-31-2014 Revised 11-3-2015.xlsx (click to download Excel file) |